Retrieve a single-use test strip and apply a drop of your beverage onto both of the testing areas as shown above.
Review the testing areas for a change in colour, If your Drinkguard strip turns blue or orange: DO NOT DRINK!
Drinkguard helps to keep you safe by detecting harmful substances in your drink so you don't have to guess.
With just a few drops and a couple seconds you will be able to determine if a potentially harmful substance has been unknowingly administered to your beverage.
In the case of a negative test result, always remember the golden rule: If in doubt, POUR it out.
Don’t forget, friends: 🌞 Stay Safe & RaveRite! 🌙
Founded in Edmonton, Alberta out of a passion for festivals, events, helping others, and a necessity to raise awareness and keep people safe. Our goal at RaveRite is to assist as many people as possible in feeling comfortable and secure during a big night out & enjoy their long awaited experiences to the fullest.
Undoubtedly most of us have had an experience that made us feel unsafe or uncomfortable while at a social outing - at RaveRite, our products are designed to provide everyone the peace of mind they need and deserve!
Looking forward, we are striving to be synonymous with safety and comfort at events and become more involved with the music scene in Canada to ensure that our products are readily accessible to those that may need it the most. In time we would love to play a huge role in curating our own events that are focused on promoting and ensuring inclusivity, personal safety, and an unforgettable audio-visual experience.
We have put together a collection of our most frequently asked questions below: